London Photo Stock - Coming soon!

After so many years photographing not only architectural projects, but also every neighbourhood where those projects were located, I ended up with thousands of images of the streets of London in my photo library. A very diverse imagery which shows the life-style, the locals, the shops, streets, details that most of us pass by and don’t notice.

Well, this whole archive of images which for a long time was sitting on my hard drives, not seeng by almost anybody, will be soon available to be licensed and used by who ever need them. For now, a little fraction of these immense collection of images can be seen here in my website on the Photo Stock menu. Soon, a dedicated website, the London Stock Photos ( will be online, working as a live image stock of London images (probably the biggest one on-line), with weekly updates of new images . Loop Images ( will be also hosting the vast majority of my images, helping to spread their availability across different associated image stock libraries across the world. I just can’t wait to show all of them!